Laser Hair Removal

Diolaze Laser Hair Removal

Remove unwanted hair for lasting smooth, soft skin!

Say goodbye to the hassle of shaving and the inconvenience of waxing with Diolaze from inMode. If unwanted body or facial hair impacts your confidence, this high-energy diode laser treatment could be your solution. Diolaze reduces unwanted hair by damaging active hair follicles at the root, helping to prevent regrowth. Rest assured, with FDA approval, Diolaze ensures a safe and effective journey to smooth, hair-free skin that lasts.



    $50-$400 per session, depending on the size of the treatment area.



    You can immediately resume normal activities following treatment. Your treated skin may be slightly red and swollen for a few days, but this is temporary.



    Avoid direct sun exposure after laser procedures and, as always, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen.



    Female or male, aged 18-65 or older and generally in good health.

Ready to Talk?

We offer complimentary consults, no obligation.

Why Choose Diolaze?

Experience the superior advantages of Diolaze laser hair reduction, a revolutionary approach to achieving smooth, hair-free skin.

Diolaze boasts one of the largest treatment spot sizes, ensuring quick, easy, and highly effective sessions. For comfort, the Diolaze laser features an extra-large built-in skin-cooling device, lessening the redness commonly associated with hair removal. Diolaze's cutting-edge technology is safe and effective for most skin tones and types.*

*Diolaze may not be ideal for darker skin tones, as the technology works best when there is a significant contrast in hair and skin color. However, our staff is highly skilled at administering Diolaze for hair removal and will let you know if this procedure is right for your skin tone during a consultation.

When to Consider Laser Technology for Hair Removal

Unlock the potential for smooth, hair-free skin with Diolaze laser hair removal—a transformative solution for reducing unwanted hair on your face and body. The Diolaze treatment targets active hair follicles, providing a lasting reduction in hair growth. Common treatment areas include:

  • Bikini area and bikini line.
  • Legs.
  • Arms, underarms, and armpits.
  • Face and upper lip.
  • Chest.
  • Back & shoulders.
  • Stomach.
  • Neck & chin.
  • Sideburns.

If you desire a permanent reduction in unwanted hair and seek an effective, long-lasting solution, Diolaze laser treatment may be the ideal choice.

How Many Treatments Do I Need to See Results?

Notable results are often observed after just a few sessions. Laser hair removal targets melanin in follicles. An optimal outcome requires multiple treatments due to the hair growth cycle. We recommend 6-8 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart depending on hair color, type, body area, and skin tone to achieve maximum hair reduction. The 20-30 minute laser sessions help reduce hair growth. If regrowth occurs, the hair tends to be lighter, finer, and less noticeable, contributing to a smoother overall appearance.

Pairing Hair Removal with Other Spa Services

Achieving your desired aesthetic goes beyond just hair removal. At Venetian Medical Spa and Aesthetic Surgery, we understand that addressing multiple skin concerns is integral to enhancing your overall appearance. While combining hair removal with other treatments in the same appointment is not common, we can design a personalized treatment plan to address your unique skin care needs.

We can offer a comprehensive solution if you have additional skin issues such as sun damage, fine lines, spider veins, or scarring in areas undergoing hair removal. Our range of non-surgical treatments for the face and body includes injectables like Botox and dermal fillers, sclerotherapy, microneedling, and custom facials.

Trust our experienced Venetian Medical Spa and Aesthetic Surgery team to guide you through a holistic and personalized journey to healthier, more radiant skin.

Schedule a Consultation for your Laser Hair Removal

Ready to learn more about hair removal and see if it’s a right fit for your aesthetic goals? Contact our office online or call 863-430-0582 to schedule your consultation with our highly-trained, friendly spa staff today.

To stay up to date on specials and treatment offerings, follow Venetian Medical Spa and Aesthetic Surgery on Instagram or like us on Facebook @venetianmedspa.

Venetian Medical Spa and Aesthetic Surgery Professionals

Laser hair removal is not a permanent solution but can significantly reduce hair growth for a long time. The results vary depending on the individual. Some hair follicles may remain dormant and produce new hair later, requiring touch-up treatments occasionally.